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Development Phases

Applied Software Solutions have adopted relevant parts from both Rational's Unified Process and Microsoft's Solution Framework (MSF) to enable it to implement an Effective Development Process.

The Effective Development Process is used to ensure that all software projects:

  • Meet Users Requirements
  • Meet Quality Standards
  • Meet Project Deadlines
  • Facilitate Re-use
  • Are Maintainable and Extensible

The Key elements of the Effective Development Process are:

From a management perspective, the iterative software lifecycle is decomposed over time in four sequential phases, each concluded by a major milestone.

The Inception Phase where we define a 'vision' of the end product and the associated business case, defining the overall scope of the project.

The Elaboration Phase where we refine the definition of the product, define and baseline an architecture, and develop a more precise plan for its development and deployment.

The Construction Phase where the product is built, up to the point where it can be put in the hands of its end-users for the first time.

The Transition Phase where the product is transitioned to the user community; this includes manufacturing, delivering, training, supporting and maintaining the product.

To conclude a phase requires an assessment of whether:

  • The defined objectives have been met;
  • The defined deliverables have been completed;
  • The various models have been updated.

A satisfactory assessment will allow the project to move to the next phase. Each phase is essentially a span of time between two major milestones.

One pass through the four phases is a development cycle; each pass through the four phases produces a generation of the software. Unless the product "dies," it will evolve into its next generation by repeating the same sequence of inception, elaboration, construction and transition phases, but this time with a different emphasis on the various phases. These subsequent cycles are called evolution cycles. As the product goes through several cycles, new generations are produced.



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